Fishing Reports, Tips, Techniques & the latest news!

We consistently catch fish and a lot of them, and this page proves it ...

If you're comparing fishing guides it's obviously important to determine whether or not they catch fish.

We have reports pages going all the way back to 2004, links to them are at the bottom of this page. We don't believe you will find any NW fishing guide with as much proof showing their results and capabilities.

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Columbia River fishing reports can be found here, as well as fishing photos from our latest Columbia River fishing trips!

To the left are fishing updates that I do from my cell phone and Facebook.


Our 2013 salmon and sturgeon seasons were very good!

We take very good care of our customers, we catch a lot of fish, and have a very high repeat customer booking rate.

Give us a call if you want to get in on the best fishing of they year!







Archived Reports

Report for 2012

Report for 2011 Report for 2010

Report for 2009 Report for 2008

Summer and Fall 2007  Spring 2007

Fall 2006  Summer 2006  Spring 2006 

November 2005   August 2005  July 2005   June 2005

May 2005 #1   May 2005 #2   April 2005

March 2005    Oct. 2004   Aug. 2004


Columbia River Fishing Guides

Reports - Seasons - Equipment - Photos - Video

Rates - The Guides - Contact UsBook a Trip - Why Hire Us?

Oregon & Washington Fishing Guides

Oregon and Washington Fishing Guide, Kevin Newell


Phone: 360 430 2521